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Want to Know More About Me?
Come along and I'll let you in!
Me + Trev =
My connection to sanity!
The lifeline and energy that keeps me grounded.
Me + Nature =
You will almost always find me outside, in the grass, on a trail or soaking up the sun in any way possible. Going crazy about the OSU Buckeyes and coaching high school track and cross country.
Me + Trev =
Exploring the great outdoors in Sedona. We traveled here after my little brother passed. This is where we found a way to move forward.
Me + My Mom =
She shows me how to live life completely, to love with complete surrender, to care for others with all she is and to laugh as much as possible.
Me + Trev =
Trevor is the strength and security that is forever present. The goofy, silly and energetic spirit that makes life so fun!
Me + Chris =
While we go through life we may lose those who mean the world. However, the lessons learned and memories made will forever shape the path forward.
Me + Shawn =
My older brother who is so amazing, one of my favorite humans, and I know he would agree that we are
"Totally killing it the hardest all the way to the maxx!"
Me + Trees =
If you know me at all you know I will climb any cool tree I see! Me + Trees have a special relationship. I can't quite explain what the connection is but they live in my soul, call to me almost daily and remind me of being a child.
Me, Gabri + Jeni's =
We will fight each other to get in the door first, always get the same kind (for me it is gluten free + dairy free) and love every single spoonful!
Me + Trev =
Our Columbus Boudoir experience was out-of-this-world! We had the opportunity to do a beach shoot with the one and only Heather from Columbus Boudoir. These are our favorite pictures and we highly recommend!!!
Me, Caleb, Isaac, Gabri + Mom =
They keep me young, forever open minded, laughing at things I never thought were funny and forever learning what life is really about.

Us + Arizona =
Our souls have found a place that calls us back and makes us feel like we have found a second home.
Me + Gabri =
Gabri is one of 3 amazing children who have molded and shaped me into the human I am today. For this I am forever grateful!
Me + Trev =
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Trev does not like heights. However, I am always up for anything and should probably be more afraid when I am not. He always encourages me to follow my dreams.
My Brother Chris + My Mom =
Adventure without regret and work hard to reap the rewards.
My little brother Chris + his beautiful daughter Chloe (my niece) =
Silly, adventurous, always willing to try something new and soft hearts for everyone.
Me + Gabri =
This sweet girl teaches me so much that I never knew I didn't know. Hammocking and biking is one of our favorite pastimes.
Me, Shawn, Kerrie + Chris =
I am the middle child with an older and younger brother. Kerrie is the amazing wife to Shawn my oldest brother. These are some of my favorite people ever.
Nothing like family!
Me + Trev =
Summers and Paddleboarding are some of our favorite things in the whole world.
Me + Trev =
We are runners at heart. Our competitive nature makes us work harder every day. Running the mountains in Arizona is, by far, one of our favorite things to do.
Me, Caleb, Gabri, Mom + Isaac =
While this is not the best photo, it is one of my favs. These are my children. I am beyond proud of them and have been blessed beyond my dreams with these beautiful souls.
Me, Caleb, Isaac + Gabri =
The very best part of life.
Me + Chloe =
My silly, goofy, fun and living out loud! This sweet girl is my niece.
Me + Chris =
My "Punky Unky Unkin" little brother who will live in my heart forever.
Shawn + Kerrie =
While these photos were taken during the pandemic, they say so much. These two are the life blood and meaning of so much. The things we have been through and the way you live your life shows me that there is always more!
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